Environmental Management

Environmental Management

management promotion plan

All employees of Inter-M Co., Ltd., in all areas of corporate activity, strive to pass on a beautiful earth to our descendants through environmental preservation and resource saving, and through continuous technology development based on the people-oriented management philosophy and environmental improvement, the future will be an eco-friendly and prosperous life. We promise to keep working hard to

  • All employees of Inter-M Co., Ltd. consider the environment as the top priority in their work to realize sustainable eco-friendly development.

  • In addition to faithfully complying with environmental laws and regulations and environmental requirements, establish a common awareness with stakeholders on eco-friendly policies, and pursue ESG management based on this.

  • All employees establish detailed goals and action plans to understand and comply with the environmental management policy, and continuously improve through appropriate training and monitoring.

  • We strive to become a company trusted by customers and local communities by transparently disclosing environmental information and performance.

Environmental management practice plan

작업환경 이미지

Work environment

  • Establishment of environmental management system
  • Maintain environmental management system certification
  • Facility eco-friendly
사내 환경 이미지

In-house environment

  • Minimize Pollutant Emissions
  • Reduction of waste generation and continuous increase in recycling
  • Securing environmental management leadership

Environmental management certification

KS Q ISO 14001 Environmental Management System